Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Well, it's been awhile, and I don't know if I really have anything of much interest to write about. Minor successes for me and our family and motherhood...

I found a new pediatrician for Caroline whom I really like. I guess "the third times a charm", as they say. She's a young mother herself and her entire practice prides itself on "taking time to listen and getting to know the patient". I found this to be true in my "Meet the Doc" appointment yesterday. She answered all my questions about the vaccines and helped me feel better about the choices I'm making. Perhaps my resistance to the shots has been an unconcious knowledge that the vaccines with egg derivitive in them might be troublesome for Caroline, who knows? Either way, she's happy to help me sort it out, without being too extreme in either direction. I left feeling heard and supported and comfortable calling with any questions I might have.

Today I made dinner. Yes, you read correctly, I cooked. This is a big deal because as of late (since Caroline's birth) I have not really been cooking. So tonight we had chicken curry. Chicken no less, that I actually cut raw and then had to wash and scrub every fingernail, utensil, countertop and cutting board to make sure no GERMS were left. So far we're all okay, so I guess that's a good sign. The meal was edible, but not fabulous, but I guess we all must start somewhere. It was certainly probably healthier than take out from the Thai restaurant. But I fixed that with a hearty portion of chocolate after dinner. I don't know if I could ever kick that habit.

Caroline is finally asleep after much protest. Nursing won out as the means for falling asleep. I am hoping that soon we can be done with this but I don't want to cut her off before she's quite ready. Who knows, one more thing to figure out.

I guess I'll sign off now as the hours are quickly passing and I'd like to do some reading before bed. Not so sure this blogging thing is for me. At least not with any consistency. But thanks for reading...



At November 14, 2007 at 6:13 PM , Blogger Jen said...

Hi Sarah-
I love the blog don't give up! Don't be so hard on yourself you are such a wonderful mommy to Caroline!



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