Friday, November 2, 2007

Target, Target

Well, I broke down and went to Target today. Pathetic, I know. Pathetic too that I'm blogging about it, but it's a serious part of my life in motherhood. I only spent $15, on BABYFOOD! Food Caroline probably won't eat, but it offends me less than when I puree stuff myself and then she won't eat that. The worst is when even Moxie won't eat my homemade baby food.

Went for a nutrition consult for Caroline, was looking for answers on weaning and food and what she should be eating now and all that fun stuff. While they're very nice, they were less than helpful, and made me wait 1/2 an hour. I wasn't mad but disappointed. So, I came home and searched the web for answers. In between my reading I was wiping Caroline's nose that ran non-stop today. Poor thing, she looked miserable, but her spirits were good. She was more energetic than yesterday, in fact, her usual self, other than a super runny nose.

Given Caroline's health, we're not going out to East Hampton until tomorrow. I wanted to call it off but trying to explain it to my 93 year old Grandmother just didn't work, so we'll go, and purell the hell out of all of us. She said she didn't mind us being there with colds, "A cold wouldn't be so bad, it would distract me from all my other ailments". Gotta love her attitude! I"m actually looking forward to being at the beach in this cool fall weather. I think we'll meet up with my oldest friend too, who has returned to living out there. She and her family run a horse farm. Maybe I'll even get up on a horse, haven't done that in years!

Mom is coming for a week on Monday. Hooray! I was just starting to feel like things were getting out of control again, so this should be a great help. She can play with Caroline while I get stuff organized. My perpetual mission. (It will be wonderful to see her too ; )

I'm going to go use this naptime for some reading and list making. Lots to do before we leave in the morning.

Happy Weekend.



At November 2, 2007 at 6:07 PM , Blogger Jen said...

Sorry Robin was not that helpful. Don't stress out about feeding Caroline. She eats when she is hungry. You are doing a fantastic job as a mommy.... never doubt that! Have a great weekend.



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